
[vc_row][vc_column icons_position=”left”][vc_empty_space hide_on_mobile=””][vc_custom_heading text=”Pigmentation & Melasma Treatment” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_single_image image=”4093″ img_size=”full”][vc_empty_space height=”10px” hide_on_mobile=””][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column icons_position=”left”][vc_column_text]

Pigmentation & Melasma Treatments in Chandigarh

Pigmentation is one of the most common skincare concerns that we face at Azure by Dr. Anahat Pirzada Sibia. Be it hormonal changes, pregnancy or contraceptive pills, melasma too, is a form of pigmentation.

A lot of us who have darker skin tones are more susceptible to pigmented skin since we have more melanin. However, at Azure skin clinic we combine a regime of topical and cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of melasma.

If you are looking for pigmentation treatment without any delay, visit Azure Skincare Clinic. The top dermatologists and cosmetologists at the clinic help you in treating all kinds of skincare issues. Also, avail of skincare treatments like laser hair removal in Chandigarh

What Is Melasma?

Blue or grey-brown patches usually found on the face are commonly known as melasma is one of the most common worries of expecting or new mothers. There are several treatments but experts believe that laser treatment is best to eliminate Melasma, as it works instantly and has proven results. Know more about melasma treatment at Azure by Anahat Pirzada Sibia. 

How It Works

At Azure Chandigarh, we believe in customising the treatment for our clients.

    • After a thorough medical work up and skin check, your dermatologist will customise your treatment which could be a combination of laser therapy or peels along with topical creams like hydroquinone in liquid, cream or gel format.
    • Laser toning: This treatments can effectively correct skin pigmentation, whether they’re at the surface or deep in the dermal layers. Laser toning is performed using non-ablative lasers, which triggers a natural response in the body to produce more collagen and elastin.
    • Lasers have been tried in the treatment of various pigmentary disorders with variable success. Depending on the consult, we will use a combination of chemical peels and laser therapy like Gentle YAG that fades skin discolourations. There are considerably noticeable differences in 2-6 sessions.
    • Plasma Rich Therapy (PRP) is a process in which we use the skin’s own growth factors to reduce pigmentation, add skin volume with time.

Pre & Post Treatment Care, Azure Skin Clinic Chandigarh

The melasma treatment might take a few weeks to show complete results, so you must ensure that you are patient, and take good care of your skin during the treatment. The treatment is actually painless, however, there might be slight discomfort during the treatment which will eventually subside. Since melasma may recur, we encourage our patients to keep a few things in mind:

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

    • In order to avoid melasma, be regular with your sunscreen. Be vigilant with a sunblock (a physical sunscreen with a whitish appearance) or a chemical sunscreen with mexoryl. Apply it 30 minutes prior to stepping out in the sun.
    • Use Vitamin C based lotions and creams to stimulate collagen every now and then. Follow it up with sunscreen.
    • If your skin is prone to acne, make most of Clindamycin, recommended by dermatologists.

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